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Jul 6, 2024: Inference, Repertoire, Acceptance This replaces the last two essays. While Skinner's Folly is much the same, Part 1, Inference is mostly new. Thanks to Joan and Adam for their help. …

Jun 19, 2024: Hard Fun The phrase “pleasure of writing” makes me pause. At this very moment, writing is not altogether pleasurable. The ticking of the clock …

Nov 2, 2023: Communication and Its Discontents, Coupling Despite how unappealing it would be to the average person, there’s an advantage to earning your living doing colonoscopies: other than in politics and …

Oct 13, 2023: Mastery Can I move? I’m better when I move. —The Sundance Kid Last year, my wife and I moved from Edmonds, Washington to Portland, Oregon to help with our …

Oct 13, 2023: Learning-Introduction On a flight, seated behind a teenage girl, a novelist was having a get-off-my-lawn moment. With the click sound enabled, the girl tapped away on her …

Oct 27, 2018: The Psychotherapy of Doc Martin, by Dr. Rachel Timoney (This is a form of fan fiction, intended solely for educational purposes, that combines events from the Doc Martin TV show, Season 7, with stuff I …

Nov 20, 2017: Privacy — an essential habit of democracy Bria Bloom recently posted an essay of her witnessing an interaction between a mother and the mother’s (about) ten year-old-daughter. The mother is …